Lately, I've been really into potato stir fries. I make the same sort of meal often, and just switch up the ingredients depending on what I have or what I'm trying to use up. This is a pretty quick meal... Maybe 30-45 mintues start to finish. I realize that I love to be in the kitchen, so a meal that takes close to two hours doesn't phase me. But, I dont' make those kind of meals every night. This is something I would make when I don't feel like making a totally kick-ass dinner, just a kick-ass one.
1 lb potatoes (I used small yellow ones this time), cut into large chunks
1-2 tsp olive oil
1/2 yellow onion, diced (3/4 inch squares)
8 oz tofu, pressed (even if it's only for 5-10 minutes, do it!)
1-2 tsp soy sauce or tamari
1/2 tsp tumeric
2-3 tbl earth balance or other butter substitute
2 leaves of rapini ,rolled tightly and sliced thinly diagonally, (rapini looks like chard, any leafy greens would work here)
1/2 cup collard greens roughly chopped
1-2 carrots, grated
1-2 cloves garlic minced
1/4 cup green chili or other salsa
salt, pepper and red pepper flakes (optional)
1/2 avocado, smushed
1 tomatoe, diced
1 tbl red onion, diced
1 tsp lemon or lime juice
1/8 cup cilantro, chopped
salt and pepper
Add potatoes to a pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes or until very tender. Drain and set aside.
Meanwhile, heat a heavy bottomed pan over medium high heat, add the olive oil and onions. Sautee for 2-3 minutes, until the onions begin to soften. Add the tofu by crumbling with your hands. Add the soy sauce and tumeric. Continue to cook for 5-8 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the tofu is drying out and getting crispy on some sides. Remove from pan and set aside in a bowl.
When the potatoes are finished, add the earth balance to the same pan you used for the tofu. Add the potatoes, coat them all with butter and let cook for 5 minutes or so, until the one side is crispy. Stir occasionally, cutting the potatoes into bite size pieces with the end of the spatula. Cook until the potatoes are as crispy as you want. Add the tofu mixture back to the pan along with the carrots, rapini and collard greens. Stir fry for 3-5 mintues. Add the green chili and garlic and cook for another 3-5 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and red pepper flakes if you desire. Top with the guacamole and DIG IN!
This is what rapini looks like.